How About Free Lease Upgrades?
Whether you’re buying one copier or outfitting a whole office building, you need to make a wise purchasing decision. Unfortunately, some sales reps use tricky tactics to try to earn your business. One of these tactics is offering you a free upgrade.
At first glance, the offer sounds wonderful. Your lease will expire in a few months, and your rep promises a free upgrade if you sign another contract now. Occasionally, a free upgrade can be a great deal, but you need to consider the following factors before signing a contract.
First, are you happy with the company’s pricing and service? If you haven’t been thrilled with the service you’re receiving, it’s not worth a free upgrade to continue your service.
Next, consider the period of the lease. If you have to agree to a five year lease to receive a free upgrade, think carefully about the long-term effects. Technology is constantly changing, so you might want a new machine before the lease period is over. In most cases, it’s unhelpful to be locked into a lease for over three years.
It’s important to make your decision based on facts and not the promise of free upgrades or perks.